Association Admin

Changes of Association officials

Following the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday evening, I wanted to let you know as soon as possible about the various changes of Association officials.

Following the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday evening, I wanted to let you know as soon as possible about the various changes of Association officials. The minute of the meeting and of the subsequent Ordinary General Meeting will follow in a few weeks.

I was honoured to be elected as Chair to succeed Bruce Lyle who was standing down as Interim Chair and would like to acknowledge the messages of support I have received.

Sandy Denham was elected Vice Chair. Sandy was also elected one of our delegates to Motorsport UK Regional Committee and will continue as member for Scotland on Motor Sports Council.

Also elected as Regional Committee Delegate was Russell Fair. Russell’s immediate experience of Club management in his current role of Chair of East Ayrshire CC will I believe be a valuable contribution to the committee’s deliberations.

Keith Butler who has been Acting Secretary for the past six months was confirmed as Secretary and will also continue as Treasurer.

Raymond Mann remains as Calendar Manager. Graham Couser was formally elected to the new role of Minute Secretary.

John Cleland remains as President and Bruce Lyle as Vice President.

Jon Bolton was appointed as Training Coordinator, although as many of you will know he has had a key role in our training activity for some time. Jon also takes on the new role of Communications and Publicity Manager which will include responsibility for the website.

Bill Creevy will continue as Autotest Coordinator. Iona Johnstone-Gibb was confirmed as Navigational Rally Championship Coordinator and I am delighted that she has also agreed to take on the related role of Road Events Coordinator.

All our discipline representatives continue in post, being Graham Rieu-Clarke, Steve Burns, John Albiston, Roy Campbell, Trix Grant, Bill Creevy, Tom Matthews, Rhona Dickie and Rod Taylor.

I look forward to working with them all over the forthcoming year. I would also take this opportunity to thank on your behalf those office bearers who either retired at the AGM or stood down during the year for all their contributions to the Association over the past 12 months – Bruce Lyle, Grahame Douglas, Lock Horsburgh, Dave MacKintosh and Stewart Paton.

Rupert Hine
Scottish Association of Motor Sports Clubs

About the author

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Rupert Hine

Rupert is Chair of SAMSC.

He has been involved in motorsport since 1994 (initially whilst studying at Edinburgh University). He has competed in Autotest, Navigational Rallies, Cross Country RTV Trials and Hill Rallies, and over the years he has done nearly all disciplines of the sport. He has organised many events and led the organising team which returned hill rallying to Scotland. He has also been involved in marshalling, radio, recovery, and rescue. He is Chair of Motorsport UK’s Cross-Country Committee and a member of the Motor Sports Council.