The Scottish Association of Motor Sports Clubs (SAMSC) recognises that social media is an important tool for engaging with Members Clubs and the general public about the activities of the Association and motorsport in general.
We actively utilise social media channels as well as our website and Training Portal, to promote the Association’s work and activities.
We are committed to providing a safe, fair and fun online space for anyone involved in the activities of the Association. This includes safeguarding the welfare of young people who engage with the Association on any social media and websites used by us.
We encourage Member Clubs to use social media and other channels to promote their Club, their events and the sport. We strongly encourage all Member Clubs to be informed when it comes to social media safety, and have a social media policy. If your club needs to write a social media policy, you can view the Motorsport UK policy here and adopt this policy for your club.
The Communications and Publicity Manager is responsible for:
- The day-to-day management of any social media platforms commissioned or operated by the Association.
- Establishing acceptable standards for the privacy and moderation of the service and will work with the Regional Safeguarding Officer and Motorsport UK’s Head of Safeguarding to establish any other safeguards required.
- Ensuring that any club committee members, partner agencies or contractors abide by the rules and regulations of the Association, in that any comments posted are not, or may not be conceived as: offensive, insulting, abusive, threatening, racist, discriminatory or may cause offence or harm to others, including race or club officials, Motorsport UK Clubs/groups and teams or any person(s) associated with the activities of the Association or Motorsport UK.
- Deciding which links will appear on the Association’s websites and social media channels and the acceptability of access to other sites.
- Monitoring approved use of the content of any third-party websites used by the Association.
The Association’s Management Team are responsible for:
- Monitoring the acceptable use policy and clarifying unacceptable behaviour including harassment, defamation, discrimination, abuse, bullying and obscene or abusive language, the uploading of libellous, defamatory, obscene, illegal or violent material, or depicting nudity. This list is not exhaustive, it is not possible to consider every eventuality in advance. The final decision in all matters rests with the Association’s Management Team. All decisions are made with the best interests of the Association in mind.
- Referring any breaches of this policy to the Regional Safeguarding Officer or Chair of the Association, who in turn may refer any breach of conduct obligations to Motorsport UK, whether for disciplinary purposes or for an inquiry.
Reporting Procedures
If you have any concerns about online behaviours, there are a number of different avenues for reporting as listed below, you can also discuss your concerns with the Regional Safeguarding Officer –
Any incidents of unacceptable behaviour including but not limited to harassment or discrimination, or the use of obscene or abusive language should be reported via the Race with Respect website.
Any incidents of online bullying, abuse, grooming or other behaviours which impact on the welfare or wellbeing of children or young people must be reported to the relevant Club or Event Safeguarding Officer.
If you have concerns that material being posted is libellous, defamatory, or illegal report it to the Secretary of the Association via email to
We recognise that this policy can be continuously developed and will review this document periodically, or after the outcome of any serious issue or incident as a result of the use of social media sites by the Association.
This Policy was last updated on 21 November 2023 as version 1a, and we will communicate any changes to you.